Thursday, December 8, 2011

How Cooperating Teacher Assess Student Art

How Do You Assess Student Art

My cooperating teacher assesses art through her understanding of each individual student. What I mean by this is that she gets to know her students on a personal level of understanding their tendencies. Some things that she pays close attention to are attitude or work ethic, interest, and skill level. What seems to make this possible is that she is the only art teacher at the elementary school; therefore, the students that go through the elementary school k-5 will have her as an art teacher. When it comes down to actually grading the art and the students work the school uses a website that is for specifically for grading. This website shows a class list where the teacher can comment on each student and their projects individually; the teacher can also click on the students name and an image will appear of the student along with information about them.
I can imagine that assessing student art at the elementary level is very problematic. I would think that this is the case because elementary art may not always appear high quality.  It is important for a teacher to realize how students develop and grow, so they understand that it takes time for their artistic skills to improve.  It is also important to know that some students will be more developed artistically than others at every age.  In the end I think that a teacher must put a greater amount of attention on student effort instead of skills at the elementary level, especially when it comes to grading. Personally this makes me feel the same as Ms.R in that each student should be graded differently based on your observation of them as a teacher.

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